Acquire test funds

Embark on your journey of exploration and experimentation on the COMBO and OPBNB testnets by acquiring the necessary test resources. Follow these steps to obtain TBNB, Test opBNB, and TCBNB:

Acquire TBNB

To receive test funds for your experiments, follow these steps:

  • Paste your address into the provided form to receive the test funds.

Acquiring Test opBNB

Obtain Test opBNB by transferring BNB Smart Chain Testnet to your opBNB Testnet account:

Utilize the Bridge to facilitate the transfer.

Acquire TCBNB :

Choose one of the following methods to acquire TCBNB:

Method 1: Faucet:

  • Paste your address into the provided form to receive the test funds.

Method 2: Token Bridge

  • Use the Bridge to bridge your TBNB tokens to TCBNB

  • Enter the desired amount in the provided box (see image below)

  • Lastly, hit the Deposit button.

Last updated